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April 15, 2011

Just tell them that the Stork delivers....

When my son was young we decided to be honest re sex.. not to give silly stories re storks and cabbage patches.. and to use full and correct anatomical names..

Our friends had taken the same approach with their children, and it seemed to be working well for them.. .. so at the tender age of four our son knew that babies came from a mummy's tummy and that they grew from a seed daddy put there, and that we then went to the hospital so the doctor could take the baby out.. *grins* .. simple enough.. nothing too graphic :)

So imagine my trepidation when about 3 weeks before his 7th birthday he came to me and asked how did daddy put the seed in mummy's tummy?

I was home alone at the time.. and decided not to panic.. that I could do this.. so I chose my words very carefully and explained the process as simplistically as I could.. that went ok and ended with him saying.. "ohhh Daddy must have been very embarrassed" *laughs*

Cringing, I found myself dribbling on about "well when you really love someone.." *laughs* but no way, no how was I bringing lust into the conversation!! .. lol

Then I did it, I took it that one step too far.. I just had to open my big fat mouth and tell him that the act of daddy putting the seed there was called 'sex'.

You know how sometimes when you say something your realize immediately - "oh oh shouldn't have said that" .. well it was one of those moments.. *laughs*.. so I explained to him that sex is a really private topic and he should never talk to anyone about it except mummy and daddy..
especially not other kids... that was up to their mummys and daddys to do..

Last thing I needed was calls from other parents telling me that my lil Man was giving sex ed classes.. lol... but it all seemed to be okay and the topic was not raised again.

Then a week or so later, we were having afternoon tea at a Coffee Club TM  .. planning his birthday party and an old lady I've never seen before or since (thank goodness) came and joined us and was telling us all about her children.. and said.. "my Adrian was such a wild child.. I don't know what i did to deserve him" .. to which my lil darling pipes up... "I know.. you had sex!!!" .. *laughss*..

The only problem was, at that time his speech wasn't very clear, and I didn't get the last word.. LOL .. so I asked him 3 times until I realised he was saying "sex".. then I just clamped my hand over his mouth *laughs hard* and told him not to talk about that.. and the old lady looked at me and said.. "I thought that is what he was saying".. *laughs*.. 

*rolls my eyes* I felt like saying... geeezzz Lady, I wish you'd told me! 

*laughs again*

Ain't life funny??

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